Hi, blog! For the next 8 days, I will blog about my filming, editing, and everything else. In this blog, I will be talking about my first day of filming! Before the filming days, we were able to plan and set up everything the week before December. The filming days were split over 3 days, and on the first day, we only had about a couple hours to film before sundown. I just got out of school, and I realized that we could fit some filming in so I biked to my partner's house. I live around 15-minutes away, so I managed to get there quickly. Since we only had around 3 hours to film before sundown, my partner and I decided to plan the next filming dates. The later filming dates were decided to be moved to somewhere in mid-term week because we would have more time after school. So for filming, originally we were going to film in chronological order, but we ran into a slight problem. My partner's dad had work to do later on in the day so we decided to do all the shots with him first. Filming all of the shots with his dad basically allowed us to get most of our movie done because he was in so many scenes. The first part that we filmed was the part when the main protagonist was first talking to his dad in the room. Then we were able to film all of the parts where Wallace (the main character) was talking to his dad downstairs without having Wallace talk. We decided to film the shot like that becuase we felt like it would be a cool idea to switch to each other's POV during their conversation. After that, we went back upstairs to film the part where Wallace finds about his mother's most treasured shoes. After that, we finished all of the scenes with my partner's dad and decided to film the ending scene after that. By the time we finished, the sun barely started to set. I think the first day of filming went well. It allowed us to get a lot done in a short time and it put me and my partner in a good position to finish the movie before winter break.
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