Hello blog, today I'm going to tell you why my group didn't do the peer review. In the last blog, I explained that on March 3rd, we had an important assignment to do. That was the peer review. Yet, we had no one to peer review and no one was here to peer review us. That was a huge problem for our group because the peer review is worth a lot of points in the grade book. At first, our group was freaking out because we could get 0's for not doing a peer review. But our hope was later restored when we noticed that we had someone to peer review, it just wasn't written on the sheet. Meanwhile, the person that had to peer review us wasn't here so we couldn't give anything to them. Later on in the period, the girl's name got written on the sheet and we now had the chance to get the assignment done. But when we asked her for her project, she wasn't finished and she wasn't able to give anything for the peer review.
After that, we went back to our seats and we started talking about what we should do. At first, we were going to email our teacher and ask her what to do, but then we remembered she said if we couldn't do a peer review, blog about why you couldn't. In the end, we calmed down and we decided to touch upon our project for the rest of the period. We ended up doing a lot of work. At first, we used iMovie on our phones to edit because Pinnacle Studios wasn't working but that ended up being ineffective too. So we decided to scrap the whole edited version and we re-did the editing on iMovie for macOS. This gave us the ability to do many things, for example, it allowed us to add different types music to our movie without paying for it, it allowed us to use different fonts and colors for our titles, and it had a vast selection of editing tools that we weren't able to access on our phones. The process of editing everything again was short. I did the titles, Zeke did the music, Paige arranged everything and Roscoe did the transitions. We still have a little more to do, but we will finish in no time.
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