Thursday, March 19, 2020

Coronavirus blog: The future of our project

Hello Blog, today I’m going to be talking about how I couldn’t finish filming today. As I said in my last blog it is way harder to get things done with a pandemic currently going on. Also, I am going to touch a little more on this pandemic in this blog. This pandemic that’s currently going on is called COVID-19. It closed schools around the nation including ours until April 15th. It’s a virus that mainly attacks the respiratory system and it originated from animals. It affects the elderly and people with underlying health conditions currently. It started in China at the beginning of 2020. Now it’s all over the globe. That is a huge problem for our Media studies group because we want to stay safe during these hard times. So we’ve decided currently to just work on the rest of our project at home.
    The way we came to this decision was through group FaceTime. We figured this was the safest and most effective way of communicating so we used it. Originally we were going to reshoot one more time, but we just think it was best for all of us to not. What we are going to instead, uses group FaceTime to finish editing our film. Paige is going to share her screen and we are going to give helping tips. We’re also going to download the music and other stuff she needs and send it to her. We are also happy we ended up switching to iMovie for editing. The reason why we’re glad we switched is that if we didn’t all of our edited software would be stuck at school. However, it’s still hard for us to finish our project regardless but, we will get it done.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Re-Filming blog: Coronavirus

     Hello blog, today I’m going to talk about how re-filming went. To start off, a lot has happened since my last blog. Since the beginning of this year, there has been a virus going around that affected many, and recently it hit the USA. With the scare happening close to us in Broward county, all the schools in our county had to close. Now we had to figure out how we could film quickly, in case we needed to stay home. So yesterday, we all decided that we should re-film. We got all of our stuff ready and we went to Paige's house to film. When I got there, we had to wait a little while for Zeke to come because he was providing the truck and there was traffic. After he arrived, we were fully set to film.
    The first thing we did was re-shooting the shots we needed with Zeke’s dads' car. The reason we did those shots first was that Zeke's dad needed to use his car for work and we didn’t want him to be late. The first shot we did was; Roscoe and I walking behind Zeke with the car in the background. We redid that shot twice because, the first time because I tripped on a rock but we got it perfect the second time. After that, we realized something large. The alleyway street was recently paved. This meant that we would have to redo every shot in the alley because of the pavement. We decided that we would reshoot the rest of those shots another day later this week because of our strict time frame. When Zeke's dad left, we had a couple more shots to do. We redid the shot where Zeke gets a phone call from his mom and changed it to him getting a text. The reason why we did this was that it flowed better in our movie, and it added another good shot. After that shot we finished re-filming we could do, and we decided that we will reshoot the tying up scene on the day when we do the alley shots. 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

Editing blog: Ups and Downs

 Hello, In this blog I am going to tell you what I did today and on Tuesday. A lot happened that short period. To start, I'm going to talk about Tuesday. Tuesday was a rough day for editing because a lot was going wrong. When we first got into class, we were assigned to just work on our film so we did. However, when we started editing, iMovie started glitching. One of our group members was assigned to finish the titles, and while he was doing that the whole screen went black. We were trying to troubleshoot the program but nothing would work. Then we resorted to quitting out of the program. But, we were worried that we will lose everything yet, we took the chance. Luckily it worked; temporarily. Once the problem arose again, we just decided to restart the computer and it worked for the rest of the class.
   Today, we finally finished the titles. Since the last class, we weren't able to get much work done, we managed to do it all this class. So at the beginning of class, Paige and Roscoe decided they wanted to fix up the fonts and arrange the titles properly. Paige put it all in the same font and color, while Roscoe arranged them. After they finished Zeke and I were tasked to fix the sound. Our group last class also decided that they wanted to change some of the sounds today. So I went on youtube, found a good NCS, and downloaded it. After that, Zeke imported it into photoshop, and we were done for the day.

Monday, March 9, 2020

Editing Blog: Finishing up the sound

In this blog, I'm going to tell you what happened in the last class. Right when we got to class, we were able to work on whatever we needed to for our final task. So in class, we continued editing our project. Two classes ago, we moved everything from our phone to our computer. The reason that we did this was because of how much quicker and easier it is to edit on the Mac version of iMovie. We got a lot done that period but not everything. So we decided we should finish the titles and sound. The first thing we did was download the sounds. Two classes ago, I got 3 No Copyright sounds that fit into our movie. But we ended up needing more sounds. So Roscoe and I went on YouTube and we found 3 more sounds that fit into our movie. After that, I went and downloaded all the mp3's of the sounds and I imported them into iMovie. Now I had to place all the sounds in the correct order. So first, I had to mute all the scenes that did not need sound. About half of the scenes did not need sound. Then I had to place the sounds in the correct order. I placed the natural city background noise in the beginning scenes, I put the first suspenseful music when Zeke starts running, I put the second suspenseful music when Paiges first scene happens, I put the happy music when Zeke puts in his headphones, I put the third suspenseful sound when the car starts following Zeke and I put all the dialogue where it needed to be. After that, we were done with the sound process. The whole group liked most of it, we had to change one sound that did not fit the whole theme of the movie. Besides that, the sound editing process went well. When I finished Zeke did all the titles in the correct order and we finished for the day.

Thursday, March 5, 2020

Peer review blog: Why we couldn't peer review

    Hello blog, today I'm going to tell you why my group didn't do the peer review. In the last blog, I explained that on March 3rd, we had an important assignment to do. That was the peer review. Yet, we had no one to peer review and no one was here to peer review us. That was a huge problem for our group because the peer review is worth a lot of points in the grade book. At first, our group was freaking out because we could get 0's for not doing a peer review. But our hope was later restored when we noticed that we had someone to peer review, it just wasn't written on the sheet. Meanwhile, the person that had to peer review us wasn't here so we couldn't give anything to them. Later on in the period, the girl's name got written on the sheet and we now had the chance to get the assignment done. But when we asked her for her project, she wasn't finished and she wasn't able to give anything for the peer review.
   After that, we went back to our seats and we started talking about what we should do. At first, we were going to email our teacher and ask her what to do, but then we remembered she said if we couldn't do a peer review, blog about why you couldn't. In the end, we calmed down and we decided to touch upon our project for the rest of the period. We ended up doing a lot of work. At first, we used iMovie on our phones to edit because Pinnacle Studios wasn't working but that ended up being ineffective too. So we decided to scrap the whole edited version and we re-did the editing on iMovie for macOS. This gave us the ability to do many things, for example, it allowed us to add different types music to our movie without paying for it, it allowed us to use different fonts and colors for our titles, and it had a vast selection of editing tools that we weren't able to access on our phones. The process of editing everything again was short. I did the titles, Zeke did the music, Paige arranged everything and Roscoe did the transitions. We still have a little more to do, but we will finish in no time.